
Welcome to the World of Movies

Don’t know which movie to watch, relax we’ve got you covered. At Movies to Kill Time you’ll find great movies which you’ll definitely love.

“Film is a great tool to play with human emotions & thoughts.

― Maria Tusar

About Us

This is a blog for people who love watching movies but cannot decide which movie they want to watch. In this blog you will find a wide range of movies spread across a wide range of genres which were both loved and highly praised by audience and critics alike.

“Movies touch our hearts and awaken our vision, and change the way we see things. They take us to other places, they open doors and minds.”

Martin Scorsese

Blog Posts

Best Drama Thriller Movies That You Must Watch

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

Plot: Based on the 2005 novel by Swedish writer Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo sees Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig) a disgraced journalist team up with Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara)…….

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Top 10 Best Horror Movies

Don’t Breathe (2016)

Plot: A group of three robbers enters into the house of a visually-impaired war veteran with the aim of robbing him of his settlement money which he had received from a case…

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Top 10 Comedy Movies Worth Watching

The Hangover (2009)

Plot: Four friends Phil, Alan, Stu, and Doug go to Las Vegas for Doug’s bachelor party, but things turn south when Alan buys drugs from a local drug dealer and accidentally gets everybody stoned….

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“We don’t make movies to make money, we make money to make more movies.”

― Walt Disney


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